To contribute, you need to be familiar with the following techs and tools.
OpenTelemetryプロジェクトへの一般的なコントリビュートの手引には、OpenTelemetryコントリビューターガイドを参照ください。 コントリビューターライセンス規約(Contributor License Agreement)と行動規範(Code of Conduct)の詳細が記されています。 すべての言語の実装、コレクター、規約のレポジトリは独自のコントリビュートの手引があります。
To contribute, you need to be familiar with the following techs and tools.
How to fix an existing issue, or report a bug, security risk, or potential improvement.
Learn how to submit new or changed content using the GitHub UI or a local fork.
Terminology and style when writing OpenTelemetry docs.
Creating and maintaining site pages in non-English localizations.
Learn how to submit a blog post.
Learn how to make your pull request successfully pass all checks
Create announcements or banners for special events.
Learn how to set up a development environment for this website.
Learn how approvers and maintainers manage issues and contributions.
Acknowledgements for sources for content on this site
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